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Withnail and I Script

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   (7.85 out of 10)

  Bruce Robinson


Read "Withnail and I" Script

User Comments for Withnail and I

Catherine Turner (10 out of 10 )
when i watched this film for the first time i laughed like a lunatic. i've repeatedly watched it over and over an it still has the same affect on me. this is the best comdedy i've ever seen: a brilliantly sharp script accompanied by class actors!; what more could you ask for? brilliant!

Robyn (10 out of 10 )
Sadly the version I watched (the Australian version) had cuts made to it so I didn't get the full film, but this is definitely something I'll see again. Hilarious and sharp comedy with fine actors. It's hard to believe that Richard E Grant is a nonsmoking teetotaller from the performance he gives here! Props to anyone who can play the drinking game of keeping up drink for drink with Withnail and not need a stomach pump!

Rick (10 out of 10 )
Thanks for posting this script. I am a writer and I have always loved this film. Now I am going to see if you have "Betty Blue".

Mike (10 out of 10 )
Thanks for posting the script. Interestingly, the published version includes several missing scenes, cut, apparently, for reasons of rythmn. These include the scene where Withnail, convinced of the Jaguar's roadworthyness, is informed by the mechanic that he has, '..seen better tyres hangin' over the side of a tug.' Priceless.

Limey (8 out of 10 )
I love the line where Withnail, complaining of the intense cold (yet again, inside Monty's farmhouse, says: "we might as well sit round a cigarette," or words to that effect. One of the most amusing British cult comedies of all time. But I must say that since I bought it on DVD, its does begin to wear a little thin on repeated viewing - mainly due to all those annoying fans who insist on reciting the best lines over and over.

Bobby H (2 out of 10 )
I absolutely love the movie. I've watched it countless times. But by all means avoid this "draft", it appears to have been transcribed by some well meaning fan and is rife with errors. If you want the real deal get Robinson's original published by Bloomsbury, it is worth shelling out for. The scene descriptions alone are worth the money. The version I have includes "How Get Ahead In Advertising"- also a good read.

francisco (10 out of 10 )
What wine does withnail confiscate from monty's supplies claiming best of the century what wine does withnail confiscate from monty's supplies claiming best of the century'.

Warren Hardiman (10 out of 10 )
I've been sitting in front of my laptop reading the script and laughing out loud. In my minds eye I can see those wonderful actors delivering those brilliant lines. The familys looking at me strangely as I burst out laughing for no apparent reason. One question though, why has Paul McGann not gone on to do more? He's as brilliant as Richard E. Grant, and that's high praise indeed.

Rob (9 out of 10 )
@Warren agreed, though Paul McGann was in a great TV series recently called Luther.

wilstonegreen (10 out of 10 )
This is without doubt the best British comedy of all time. It’s sharp, classy and carries a stage-like atmosphere throughout.

M Vaughan (2 out of 10 )
Great script, shame about the transcription which is strewn with errors. For example: Gielgud becomes, inexplicably, Gylgod. Bobby H has it right- get the book instead.

literacy (1 out of 10 )
Work of genius this film is. Can hardly say the same for the transcription.

Lila (10 out of 10 )
This is not an original screenplay, though. The original one contains even more goodness and hilarious lines like "Withnail looks at the wolves and wonders why the bastards are not clapping" or "Though speakest bollocks!". Agreed on McGann. He has been fantastic in Alien 3, The Monocled Mutineer and Big Finish Audio Dramas. He also narrated Jeff Noon's "Vurt", which is highly addictive. Sadly, Paul was often typecast and not appreciated as much as Grant. If you want to see this screen couple together again, watch "Always Crashing In The Same Car". They both are brilliant.

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"Withnail and I" Script

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